Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another tourist destination in south sulawesi is PAREPARE.Parepare is about 155 km from the city makassar.like makassar, Pare also has a beach that is long enaough. city is often made as a tourist town transit.but, This area also has a tourist attraction that is not inferior.areas lumpue beach, goa kalelawar, well mate, urban forest, bumper market, etc.. Read More...

toraja is a city that had a distance of about 315 km from the capital of south sulawesi, it has makassar.daerah cultures and customs are interesting for the tourists visit. Like Malino, also at the regional level areas, so that the air was quite cool, and has a mountainous area and the contour bukit.pemandangan this area is very beautiful. Read More...

Monday, December 14, 2009


Malino is situated approximately 75 km from the city makassar.cuaca in this area is very sejuk.kota at 1200 m altitude above the surface of pristine sea.forest, friendly people, cold air, the object of abundant natural attractions, makes this area has always been area for tourists visiting foreign or domestic tourists. Read More...

tour the south celebes

this is the most beatiful beach n a long beach to makassar.its very beatifull.see sunrise n sunset from there.The position is very strategic Losari beach and become integral part of the atmosphere of the city of Makassar, which extends for approximately 4 km. The beach is directly accessible by the main road here utama.di protocols we can see the sunset is not a sensation second to none. Read More...

Monday, March 16, 2009